Donate a Book!


Books for Lambert House!

From 2013-2017, RWP held six book drives to help expand LGBTQIA book collections in community libraries in Seattle.

During the 2013 GRNW conference in September 2013, attendees donated more than 240 books for the GRNW partner Michael C. Weidemann LGBT Library at Gay City.

In November-December 2013, GRNW hosted a book drive for the library at the LGBT youth services organization Lambert House, and donors provided more than 150 young adult LGBT books.


Thanks, Dreamspinner!

In March 2014, Dreamspinner Press and Harmony Ink Press donated over 200 books to GRNW to give to the Gay City Library!

From 2014-2017, we held four more books drives at the annual conference and attendees donated another 800 books to the Gay City Library!

Since we started in 2013, conference attendees, authors, and publishers have donated over 1,000 LGBTQIA books to the Seattle community!

With RWP ending, how does one continue to donate books?


Gay City Library Book Drive

There are multiple ways to donate books. Here are a couple to think about:

1- See if your local library accepts donations. Not all do, but some libraries DO accept book donations, so this is a good place to start. (Always ask first. Never leave donations at a library without inquiring first if they accept them.)

2- Do you have a local LGBTQIA youth center, arts organization or other type of local nonprofit organization that serve LGBTQIA communities? They may have a library and may be accepting books. That’s another good place to start.

3- For YA related books, donating to a local high school library or Gay Student Association (GSA) could be another good route to explore. In Seattle, we have the LGBTQIA youth organization Lambert House that we donated YA books to. You may have a similar organization in your community.

4- Another good route is to talk with your local youth shelter that serves youth who are experiencing homelessness. If they have a library, they may appreciate LGBTQIA Young Adult and New Adult books. (Make sure to ask first though. It’s always important to ask what an organization accepts in regards to donations.)

Donating books is a great way to pass along your library as well as expand awareness of LGBTQIA stories.

Thank you for supporting such a great cause and helping spread the love!